So i'll continue...
I had a shit night of sleep that night because of my ear pain then in the morning did the worst thing and told my mum about it. My mum is scared to death of what i do, she really doesn't support me in mma, i can't tell her if i get hurt because she will kick off. When she see's my legs and arms bruised she holds her face and shakes her head and mumbles things like "my child is crazy" Bit harsh you may think, yeah i think so too. So the only reason i told her was because Josh (my brother) for some strange reason asked me how it was. The previous night he wasn't arsed so i presume as per usual he was just being a grass.
Next thing she grabs my head like an over loving mother twisting it from side to side like i'm a rag doll and asking "what did you do?" "why do you want to make me worry?" "where does it hurt?" "don't tell your father!" "no more fighting i mean it" fuck sake get off me you lunatic. I woke up like 5 minutes previous to this and i'm getting a breakfast bollocking. No need!! Nice one Josh.
So once she unleashed me i told her how it happened and the first thing she says is "i don't think you should be doing this MMA anymore" wow! dramatic or what. Then i said "oh it's probably just cauliflower ear or something" which made her even more mad so i left the breakfast room in a shit mood and she shouted "what is cauliflower ear? elle elle get back here!!!!" haha it was quite the comedy performance thinking back. Never ever a dull moment in my home.
That night in BJJ training i mentioned that i was unable to spar. I didn't think it was a good idea really as i was already hurt. Felt like a bit of a dickhead telling the lads, but they came over to me intrigued and asked what the matter was. They are nice to me sometimes.
So i showed them and they said it was the beginning of cauliflower ear for sure and congratulated me. They seemed really excited about it! Elles got a fucked up ear, nice one. So it became a more positive injury. Then we all compared our manky looking ears for about 15 minutes in the bathroom mirror. Was quite fun actually.
They gave me some advice too.
1) buy head gear.
2) wear the head gear even though i will look a dick.
3) go to the doctors
4) if it gets any worse have it drained.
5) stop moaning and start sparring.
Simple. much better than the wrath of hatred i had off my mum in the morning. The pain went after a few days thank god and my mum didn't mention it again. I'm sure it won't be long before she's freaking out over something else.
I bought my headgear and yeah i wear it ............... sometimes.